7Berkeh: Cancer experts and researchers shared their latest findings in three panels and a poster viewing in The Fourth Oncology Conference of Gerash. The conference was held on February 28th and March 1st, 2019 in Sheikh Ahmad Ansari Conference Hall in Gerash Medical Sciences College.
Dr. Ahmad Abdollahi, the Dean of the college and the head of the Cancer Prevention Foundation of Gerash, opened the conference with a brief report of the center’s activities in the region. The renowned oncologist declared that the foundation will inaugurate a branch in Bastak, a city in Hormozgan province in the south of Iran, in order to complete a research network for cancer in the south. “Relying on the four-year successful activities of the foundation in the fields of raising public awareness about cancer, treating cancer patients and creating links between them, and conducting researches and holding conferences about cancer”, claimed Dr. Abdollahi, “Gerash is known as a university town especially in the field of oncology.”
Read more about the foundation here. The foundation has also held two gatherings of cancer patients which have been influential in disseminating necessary information about cancer. Read about the gatherings here.
Some new words and expressions in this news story:
Oncology Conference: کنفرانس سرطانشناسی
Gerash Medical Sciences College: دانشکده علوم پزشکی گراش
Cancer Prevention Foundation: مرکز پیشگیری از سرطان
۱۷ اسفند ۱۳۹۷
Dear my friend in Gerishna
Let’s hope for a bright future for Gerash which can only be achieved with the help of you all and thank you for all of your hard work.