۷Berkeh: “Gerash Day”, on 11/11 in Persian calendar, or January 31, is the day the government approved Gerash as a politically independent county in the year 2009. The overjoy that followed this announcement was because people of Gerash believed it was a liberating step away from what they saw as a long-standing maltreatment by the higher political entity, Larestan. This was enough cause for designating this day a time of festivity and celebration.

And this year for the first time, the City Council and the Municipality of Gerash took the responsibility of holding the festivals on January 25 and 26, a few days prior to the main event. An art and handicraft fair and a public celebration in the City Park was among the special programs designed for Gerash Day.

But the highpoint of the festivals was the Gerash Hall of Fame Ceremony (literally, Unforgettable faces of Gerash Ceremony) designed and managed by the vice-president of the City Council, Mostafa Khorshidi. Although there were some disagreements with the choices of the ceremony committee, in this ceremony twelve Gerashis with outstanding achievements were awarded Medals of Honor: Abdullah Nezami, the exemplar citizen; Esmaeil Forouzan, the outstanding sportsman; Mojtaba Fardfani, the outstanding Qur’anic person; Seyyed Abbas Ma’soumi, the first Friday Prayer Imam in Gerash; Ali Ghanbarpour, the outstanding artist; Abdul-Ali (Abdullah) Salahi, the outstanding researcher; Robab Abadi Azimzadeh, mother of two martyrs Azimi; Doctor Ahmad Abdullahi, the outstanding cancer surgeon; Ahmad Mohebbi, the outstanding businessman and entrepreneur; Sheikh Ali Ansari, late Ahmad Ansari’s son, outstanding benefactor; Ali Asghar Hassani, outstanding political person; and of course, Doctor Ahmad Eqtedari, the outstanding researcher and the well-recognized face in Iran for his perdurable works on Persian Gulf.

13961105 Rooz Gerash Mandegar

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Some words and expressions in this news story:

Hall of Fame: تالار افتخارات

Unforgettable Faces: چهره‌های ماندگار

County: شهرستان

Medal of Honor: مدال افتخار

art and handicraft fair: نمایشگاه صنایع دستی و هنری

vice-president of the City Council: نایب‌رییس شورای شهر