: One time we spend the night at the station of the fire brigade which was organised for us by Hasan in Gerash.

Heiner Zimmer -

When we want to pay our meal in a restaurant, the owner wants no money. The next day the same happens to us and the owner says, you are my guests for ten days now. Some time ago when I was in China, I experienced great hospitality from a family and want to give it to you now in return.

Heiner Zimmer -

For me this is still difficult to accept. I think I take advantage of the people; I am embarrassed. Finally I am aware that their behaviour is coming from the heart and accept it.

Hasan shows us his town.

Heiner Zimmer -

Heiner Zimmer -

Heiner Zimmer -

Heiner Zimmer - Bikeroadcruiser.comHeiner Zimmer -

Heiner Zimmer -

With a diameter of 28 meters and a depth of 15 meters  Gerash has the biggest water reservoir of the Middle East, 300 years old. We visit an old traditional house, arranged as a museum, later on a big meeting hall used for prayer on Friday. After lunch Hasan thinks we cannot walk back to the fire station which is not further than one kilometer away. When I leave the restaurant I am very surprised.

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A fire engine is waiting to pick us up. That’s Iran. In the evening Hasan’s friend Abdulla and a friend come to pick us up by car and take us around in Lar.

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In the grocery store in Gerash they gave us the food we bought for free.