7Berkeh – Raheleh Bahador: The collaboration between a Children’s Foundation, font designers, and the website of Fontiran resulted in the collection of more than 1700 dollars for the foundation. One third of this charity money is the share of children of the South of Fars.

The Children’s Foundation, an NGO working in the filed of helping children to continue their education throughout the country, decided to rebuild its graphic identity in 2022. Two professional designers called Mehdi Ershadi and Reza Bakhtiarifard designed the exclusive font of the Children’s Foundation in 2022 and called it “Bonyadekoodak”, a transcription of the name Children’s Foundation in Persian.

 “After accomplishing the design of this font, the Children’s Foundation decided to sell the font with the help of fontiran.com,” said Moslem Ebrahimi, the manager of Font Iran and one of the accomplished designers of fonts in Iran. “Our purpose was giving access to the font to the public as well as allocating the income to the students supported by the foundation. Selling the font began in September 2022 in fontiran.com and due to the well reception of the customers in the last six months, it earned more than 1700 dollars.”

 Fontiran.com is the main platform for presenting fonts in Iran which was established by Moslem Ebrahimi in 2015 and is currently working with a Larestani team in Larestan Science and Technology Tower.

You can visit this page to get more information about the font and by purchasing it, support the children. For more information about the Children’s Foundation visit their website www.childf.com.

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Font Koodak