7Berkeh: The news of Coronavirus reaching the city has finally brought Gerash to a “temporary” halt. Gerash University of Medical Sciences announced that a third case of infection to Coronavirus has been detected yesterday in the special ward of Amir-al-Momenin Ali Hospital. The outbreak is even more serious in Lar, only 15 kilometers away, in which 16 people with virus infection are hospitalized.
All public events are canceled; shops are forced to closed; and people are invited to stay at home in order to slow down the spread of the virus. Still, many experts believe that these “temporary” measures are by no means adequate and are asking for more decisive actions.
Various groups of people have stepped in to help, from providing necessary health items (such as latex gloves, antiseptic gels and hand sanitizers) which have become scarce throughout the country, to making masks in sport centers and disinfecting the streets and public places.
۲۳ اسفند ۱۳۹۸
سلام. بعداز۸الی۹ سال درگراش ماندن به سختی اچمی یادگرفتم .حالااینا که اون بالا گفتین یعنی چه ه ه ه ؟اینارو دیگه کجای دلوم بزاروم!!!خدا لعنت کرونا بکنه.همه چیزو ریخته بهم….