Gerishna: Ali Asghar Hasani, the President of the City Council of Gerash for the last two years and the former Member of Parliament, resigned from the City Council to run for the parliament elections for the second time.

Hasani was MP for Larestan, Khonj and Gerash in the Eighth Islamic Parliament of Iran, from May 2008 to May 2012. He intended to run for the elections for the second time in 2012, but he did not receive the accreditation of the Guardian Council. Two years later, he entered the City Council with the highest votes and became the President of the Council.

Yesterday, June 15th, the members of the City Council accepted Hasani’s resignation, a necessary step towards the candidacy for the parliament elections. Abdolreza Hormozi, the Council’s spokesman, told Gerishna: “Mr. Hasani intends to pursue his services to people from the position of an MP; and we will still take benefit from his consultations in the Council.”

Mr. Hasani told Gerishna that he is not thinking about coalition with any person or group for the time being, and that he is going to make sure about obtaining accreditation of the Guardian Council. Answering Gerishna about his political alignment in this period, Mr. Hasani said: “I have affinities with Mr. Rouhani’s government.” He comments on Dr. Jafarpour, the present MP, in these terms: “He is a good and respectable character, but this is the limit of his abilities. He does not have an impressive record even for Lar.”


لینک خبر به زبان فارسی

Some words and expressions in this news story:

President of the City Council of Gerash: رییس شورای شهر گراش

Member of Parliament (MP): نماینده مجلس

Resign: استعفا دادن

parliament elections: انتخابات مجلس

accreditation: تایید صلاحیت

The Guardian Council: شورای نگهبان

Spokesman: سخنگو

Coalition: ائتلاف