۷Berkeh: Gerash was not afflicted with the anticipated flood from the monsoon in last month, though it gained as much rain as predicted. Although there are a lot of differences, not surprisingly, in the data provided by different organizations, it can be said that the region has gained nearly 30 ml of rainfall in July and the beginning of August 2022, elevating the crop year rainfall of Gerash to 277 ml. The average amount of rainfall in Gerash has been 194 ml in previous crop years.

This amount of rainfall has not come without causing damages. Flash flood caused damages in parts of the city, especially in the margins. Also, more than 450,000$ is the estimated damage to gardens and agricultural fields in Gerash county, according to the manager of Agricultural Jihad Office. This includes damages to the palm tree groves and citrus tree gardens as well as to cotton and sesame cultivation fields.

The word for rainy weather in summer afternoons in Gerashi dialect is “Chel-Pasin”, literally meaning 40 afternoons. Grandparents say that, in previous decades, they used to witness rainy weather for almost 40 afternoons during summer. Now the climate has changed and in the past several years, Chel-Pasin has given its place to torrential rains causing floods. See images of the flood beginning of the year in Gerash here.

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