نماد سایت هفت‌برکه – گریشنا

Life Flows again in Alipour’s Old House

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Gerishna: Small vases sitting harmoniously around the palm tree in the middle of the old house; A traditional “winter room” decorated as a wedding chamber; Traditional furniture in a room with 5 doors; Amazing photos of the monuments and landscapes of Gerash displayed in the rooms of the second floor; Men taking pictures in traditional costumes; Men and women saying their prayers in one of the terraces; The lonely palm tree in the middle of the yard of the old house of Alipur looks at these scenes of a new life, and looks prouder than ever.

When members of the Gerash ICOMOS began cleaning and preparing the house, they did not expect the reception they are receiving now. “More than 250 people are visiting the house every day,” says Hamed Abdollahi, the president of the Society, “and everybody is impressed.” The impression comes first and foremost from the livelihood which these young people have breathed into the house. They welcome and smile, guide and explain, prepare and constantly develop new ideas.

The house was purchased nearly one year ago and was planned to become the first tourist resort in the south of Fars. Now, from 18th to 30th of March (the two weeks around the New Year in the Persian calendar) Gerash ICOMOS, the same society which recommended the idea, has taken the first step in showing the potentials of the house. See more pictures here.

لینک خبر به زبان فارسی


Some words and expressions in this news story:

Traditional: سنتی

Monuments: آثار و ابنیه

Landscapes: مناظر

Costumes: لباس

The president of the Society: دبیر انجمن

Livelihood: سرزندگی

tourist resort: اقامت‌گاه توریستی

Persian calendar: تقویم فارسی

Potentials: ظرفیت‌ها

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