Gerishna: Alipour’s House, one of the most beautiful traditional houses in the older part of Gerash, will become the first tourist resort in the south of Fars. It will be registered in the Cultural Heritage Organization of Iran as the twelfth National Cultural Heritage Site in Gerash.
The house, built and inhabited by the famous traditional architect Omid-Ali Alipour, was purchased after some negotiations between the City Council of Gerash and the present owner, Mr. Alipour’s son.
“Conservation of the historical and cultural heritage of Gerash is our agenda,” says Habib Mehrabi, vice-president of the City Council. He acknowledges the key role of theNon-governmental Society for the Introduction and Conservation of the Cultural and Historical Monuments and Sites of Gerash, a branch of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) in spotting the house and preparing the ground for its conservation and future plans.
Hamed Abdollahi, the president of this Society with a degree in architecture, says he is amazed by the beautiful intricacies of the plan and decorations of this house. He and his young friends in the Society managed to set up the first tour of Gerash in March 27, in which they introduced this house to the interested tourists. “In this tour, we tried to pinpoint the significance of preserving this magnificent house, and everybody agreed. We referred our concern to the City Council; and they accepted it with open arms.”